Winter Weather Driving Tips

Due to the special seasons, a large portion of us will end up driving in climate conditions that are not as much as thoughtl. Though unfavorable driving conditions may be unavoidable, there are many tips you can put to use that can help prevent an accident.

Winter Weather Driving Tips
Winter Weather Driving Tips
Winter Weather Driving Tips
Pre-Trip Checklist
You should have a car maintenance routine before you embark on any long drive, but it is even more important to have one before you take a winter trip. Make sure to check the following items:

Tire Pressure and tread depth
Windshield Wiper fluid
Windshield Wiper blades
Turn Signals
Brake Lights
Working Ice Scrapper
Snow Salt
Snow Shovel
Full gas tank
Car Cell Phone Charger
Jumper Cables
Checking the Weather Report
Clearly, on the off chance that you realize a snowstorm is going towards where you are driving, it would not be astute to drive. That being stated, in some cases climate can change rapidly. Even if conditions looked favorable a few days ago, it’s best to check the weather before you leave to make sure you won’t encounter any unforeseen inclement weather.

Have An Emergency Contact Plan
You should let someone at your destination know when you’re leaving and when to expect you, especially if you’re going to experience any winter storms on your way. If you experience a delay, let them know you’re running a little bit behind. This way, if you happen to get in an accident, and can’t call for help, someone will have a general idea of where you are on you trip and make it easier to track you down if you need to be located.

Drive With Extra Caution
You ought to consistently drive a few vehicle lengths behind the vehicle before you, yet throughout the winter it's astute to include another length or two. You never know when the car in front of you will hit a patch of black ice. Having that extra distance between you and them might be the difference between a fender bender and a safe stop.

Also, be more aware of other drivers and distractions they may be facing. Families might be traveling with a car full of kids, causing an extra distraction, or a driver might be struggling to figure out their directions and be fumbling with their phone, taking their eyes off of the road.


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